There has been much talk lately in our denomination (PCA — Presbyterian Church in America) about its current state of health as a result of an article written by former Covenant Seminary President Bryan Chapell titled, “The State of the PCA.” The article is actually a “slightly edited” version of an address that Chapell is giving at the PCA’s General Assembly in Chattanooga this week.
PCA Affirms Traditional Marriage After PCUSA Denies It
Here was the headline of a March 18 story reported by an ABC news station: “Presbyterian Church Approves Gay Marriage in Constitution.” “What?” I can imagine some people thinking after reading the headline. “New Life has approved gay marriage?”
7 Favorite Preachers
Thankfully, there are more opportunities today to hear good preaching than ever before, as one can hear multiple sermons from high-profile preachers on the Web. Below is a list of seven preachers that I consider to be highly skilled and Gospel-centered, and from whom I personally receive much spiritual edification and inspiration. Click the links and you will be directed to a list of sermons you can hear on-line:
Movie Review: ‘Short Term 12’
Why Bother With Annual Denominational Meetings?
You will be reading news reports this week, if you haven’t already, explaining that “Presbyterians” have decided in their annual General Assembly meeting to allow gay marriage.
4 Excellent Web Resources You Might Not Know About
Years ago, before the Internet, I came across a reformed tape library catalog that allowed a person to order cassette tapes of sermons and lectures given by reformed pastors and theologians. I would rummage through the catalog, looking for interesting topics and favorite speakers. Then I would complete the order form at the back of the catalog, put it in an envelope with my payment, drop it in the mail box and wait patiently for my tapes to arrive weeks later.