Brian Allred


Brian was born in Huntington, Indiana and was the seventh of eight children. His parents divorced when he was 5 and moved to Roanoke, Indiana where he spent the remainder of his childhood through high school. He later moved to Angola, Indiana before moving to Muncie to attend Ball State University in 1991.

He spent his early years growing up in the church but strayed during high school and college. While in college, he met his wife, Stacey, and it was then that he repented of his sinful lifestyle and yielded his life to the Lord. After Brian graduated from Ball State with both a bachelor’s and master’s degree, he served on the faculty of the Department of Physiology and Health Science from 1995-2004.

Brian and Stacey were married in the summer of 1995 and soon became involved at Westminster Presbyterian Church (PCA) in Muncie. This is where they were first exposed to the Reformed faith and where Brian eventually served as a full-time coordinator of college and young adult ministry until he left for seminary in 2004.

Brian attended Mid-America Reformed Seminary in Dyer, Indiana, and graduated in 2007. After graduation, he served as a church planter at Trinity PCA in DeMotte, Indiana and as adjunct faculty at Mid-America teaching New Testament Greek.

Brian was called to New Life in September 2009 to serve as an associate pastor, the position he currently holds. In addition to his responsibilities at New Life, Brian teaches classes at the Alcuin Study Center.

Brian and Stacey live in Yorktown with their two children, Aaron and Miriam.

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