Children's Ministry
The mission of the Children's Ministry is to provide children ages 2-years-old through 5th grade with Biblical instruction on their level and to love and care for them well.
Discipleship Hour
Discipleship Classes meet on Sunday mornings at 9 am at the church. There are classes for 2/3-years-old, 4yrs-1st, 2nd-3rd, and 4th-5th.
Children's Church
Children's church meets during the sermon portion of the worship service and is for children ages 4-years-old through 3rd grade. There is no children’s church on Communion Sundays (3rd Sunday of the month).
Our nursery ministry provides care to young children (ages newborn to 3-years-old) in a safe, clean, loving environment so that parents can freely participate in Sunday morning worship and other activities at New Life.
Our nursery ministry includes a committee and many volunteers. The committee meets as needed or communicates via email to discuss various nursery issues.
How To Get Involved
We always welcome the addition of new members to our Children’s and Nursery teams for Sunday morning. Nursery volunteers for Sunday mornings are especially vital in order to adequately staff our service and provide a safe adult/child ratio. All volunteers age 18 or older must complete a criminal background check to serve in the nursery.
Click below if you are interested in volunteering.