The essence of Christmas is the mysterious, glorious and profound claim that God, the creator of the heavens and the earth, became a man in the person of Jesus Christ. To this astounding truth one might be compelled to ask: did it have to be this way? Was there any other way for God to redeem us? The second chapter of Hebrews gives us three reasons why God had to become a man:
Top 10 Books from 2015
This is an exciting time of year. I love reading all of the “best of the year” lists that come out at this time (even the ones that come out way too early, like in November), particularly for music and books. Click here to find Christianity Today’s list of best books of the year, and click here to find a similar list from Gospel Coalition.
Update from Pastor Bob and Mary
Right now I’m looking out the window of a ninth-floor apartment where Mary and I are staying in East Asia. On the horizon I see mountains, and filling the space between our apartment and the mountains, as far as I can see to my left and to my right, are towering buildings. Some are grey and some are brown, but they are everywhere. Car horns are blaring almost constantly. On the streets are buses, cars, bicyclists, rickshas and taxis. It’s a bustling urban environment that makes a city like Indianapolis look like a mere village, and yet this particular city is one of the smaller ones in this part of the world.
Thanksgiving as Evidence that God Exists
It is a common expectation in our culture, and probably all cultures, that people should be thankful. Parents teach their children to say “thank you” when someone is kind to them. Hallmark has made a lot of money selling cards specifically designed to articulate gratitude to people. And we set aside an annual holiday called Thanksgiving, which we will celebrate this Thursday.
Answering Questions About Homosexuality #12
Below is the twelfth post from Pastor Bob in an ongoing blog series designed to help Christians think through the issue of homosexuality in a careful and Biblical way. For more on the reason for this series, click here.
Question 12: Won’t the church lose its appeal to the broader culture if it expends too much energy fighting against gay marriage?
Answering Questions About Homosexuality #11
Below is the eleventh post from Pastor Bob in an ongoing blog series designed to help Christians think through the issue of homosexuality in a careful and Biblical way. For more on the reason for this series, click here.
Question 11: If Christians are against gay marriage, does that mean they are filled with hate?
Answering Questions About Homosexuality #10
Below is the tenth post from Pastor Bob in an ongoing blog series designed to help Christians think through the issue of homosexuality in a careful and Biblical way. For more on the reason for this series, click here.
Question 10: What’s wrong with homosexual relationships so long as no one is harmed?