It was revealed recently that Dan Haseltine, lead singer for band Jars of Clay, has voiced support for same-sex marriage. Jars of Clay is generally included in the category of Contemporary Christian Music, otherwise known as CCM. The news about Haseltine has raised some questions about the man’s views, but it also raises questions about CCM in general.
5 Reasons to Believe in the Resurrection
Sometimes Christians are accused of having a “blind faith” – that we believe the unbelievable even though the facts are contrary to the evidence. Certainly it requires faith to believe in the resurrection of Jesus, for instance, but this faith is not a blind faith – it is an informed faith. It is a faith based on plausible reasons. As we approach Easter, below are five good reasons for you to believe in the resurrection of Jesus:
4 Reasons You Should Consider Buying Vinyl Records
Next Saturday (April 19, not tomorrow) is Record Store Day. This annual celebration of independent record stores has been taking place since 2007, and gives special attention to the vinyl record, which happens to be the main reason independent records stores are still in business. As music consumption moves away from CDs and increasingly toward MP3 downloads or direct streaming, there has been a movement back toward buying records the old fashioned way. Vinyl sales have been on the increase for the last few years, and show no signs of slowing down.
4 Excellent Web Resources You Might Not Know About
Years ago, before the Internet, I came across a reformed tape library catalog that allowed a person to order cassette tapes of sermons and lectures given by reformed pastors and theologians. I would rummage through the catalog, looking for interesting topics and favorite speakers. Then I would complete the order form at the back of the catalog, put it in an envelope with my payment, drop it in the mail box and wait patiently for my tapes to arrive weeks later.
3 Things That Are Good About ‘Breaking Bad’
How Can Christian Supporters of Gay Rights Be More Biblical?
A church in Alexandria, just about 20 minutes west of Yorktown, has recently been thrown into the national spotlight because of a situation regarding its former choir director. According to an article in the Ball State Daily News, the director, Adam Fraley, was forced out of his position at First United Methodist Church. The reason? Fraley is gay.
4 Things to Remember If You Are Discouraged by the Moral Deterioration of Our Nation
Ross Douthat has written an article in the New York Times in which he says same-sex marriage will inevitably be legalized in all 50 states, and that all that is left for proponents of traditional marriage now is to “find out what settlement the victors will impose.”