New Life's Mask Policy Moving Forward

Greetings New Life!

Grace and peace to you from God our Father and the Lord Jesus Christ.

This Sunday will mark the second week that we will be worshiping together with a mask-required policy for both the 8:30 and 11 am services. We want to thank you for your cooperation with this decision and give you an update on how we expect to move forward in the weeks ahead.

First of all, we want you to know that the decision to require masks at second service was not an easy one to make, and was adopted only after much prayer, reflection, and discussion. We fully acknowledge that worshiping with masks on our faces is less than ideal, and it is our hope and desire that we would not only be able to return soon to a mask-optional service at 11 am, but that we eventually would return to a situation where masks are not required at any of our worship and fellowship activities at New Life.

Secondly, the session of the church does meet twice a month to discuss matters that are pertinent to the spiritual life of our congregation. There are a number of factors that we are considering with respect to Covid restrictions, and we will inform you as soon as we are convinced that it is safe and prudent for our congregation and our community to lift the mask-required policy.

If you choose not to attend worship in person at New Life, let us remind you that you can watch the service online at 11 am by going to

The session covets your prayers, so please intercede on our behalf as we seek the Lord’s leading for the benefit of all of you, the saints at New Life, and for the glory of Immanuel, God with us, who is Jesus, the Word made flesh.

Merry Christmas,
Pastor Bob
On behalf of the Session of New Life