Communion Procedure for This Sunday

Greeting New Life!

Because of the COVID-19 pandemic, it has been a few months since we have been able to celebrate the Lord’s Supper together. But this Sunday, finally, we will be able to partake of the bread and cup together again, as Jesus commanded us to do (1 Cor. 11:23-26). However, because of continuing concerns about the spread of COVID, we will however prepare for communion differently than normal.

When you enter the sanctuary this Sunday, you will notice two tables near the back on either side of the room on which will be placed individual pre-packaged cups, each containing a wafer and juice. As you enter, please pick up one package for each person in your family who will be partaking of communion, doing your best to avoid contact with the other cups.

This means that when Pastor Brian leads us in eating and drinking, we will not form a line to get the bread and cup, as we normally would do, but will remain seated and will partake from the pre-packaged elements.

If you will be watching the service from home, we would like to remind you that there are reasons why it is best not to observe communion apart from the gathered community of God’s people. A letter about this was sent to the congregation back in April, which you can review here.

As a reminder, this Sunday will also mark the beginning of our new sermon series, The Gospel According to Genesis.

As always, I’m looking forward to being with you all this Sunday, as we look by faith to Jesus to feed and nourish us by both word and sacrament!

Pastor Bob