Greetings New Life!
This Sunday will be the first Lord’s Day in weeks that we have been able to gather together for worship in our sanctuary!
In response to our survey, we have heard from 86 people who have indicated their intention to attend (as of Thursday). This is less than the fullness of our congregation, as many of you have indicated that you are not yet ready to recommit to social gatherings at this time. Please know that we understand and respect this decision and look forward to the time when you feel free to join us.
As we approach our first Sunday of worship since the lockdown, be assured that it is the intention of the New Life staff, elders and deacons to foster an environment in which social distancing can be practiced so that everyone can gather for worship without fear or anxiety. The following steps are being taken to make sure this occurs:
There will be one service at 10:30 am with space available in the multipurpose room for overflow in the event the sanctuary becomes too crowded.
In order to allow for adequate social distancing (6 feet apart), we believe 120 is the maximum number of people who should be allowed in the sanctuary. We can fit 30-40 people in the multipurpose room if needed.
Our deacons have adjusted the seating in the sanctuary to help accommodate proper social distancing. We urge everyone to take appropriate steps to promote the health and continued well-being of everyone in attendance. You can review our state’s recommendations here.
Several aspects of our normal worship service will be altered: there will be no greeting time, no worship booklets passed out, no offering plates passed, no children’s message or children’s church, no prayer after service, and no communion. Also, other Sunday morning ministries will not take place: there will be no nursery, no discipleship hour classes, and no coffee.
While the nursery will be closed, the cry room will be available for parents needing space with their children, and that space will be disinfected ahead of time.
The three main doors to the sanctuary from the foyer will be kept open at all times. People will also be able to exit through the fire exit doors on each side of the sanctuary at the conclusion of the service, though we urge you to exercise caution as a tripping hazard does exist in those exits.
Our cleaning crew will make sure the church is thoroughly cleaned before the service, with special attention given to disinfecting door handles, door plates, restrooms, the cry room and all surfaces. Hand sanitizer will be available in multiple locations.
While we understand that not everyone agrees on the usefulness of masks, we recommend that you wear one out of respect for those who are convicted they should be worn.
If you are exhibiting symptoms of illness, or consider your health to be particularly fragile, we suggest you remain at home for the time being.
For those choosing to remain at home, a live stream video of the service will be shown, which will be accessible on YouTube and at the New Life website at 10:30 am on Sunday.
Our goal is to phase in other ministries and other elements of the worship service over time, and will keep you updated on when those changes will occur.
As we have said before, we are in the midst of an unusual situation that presents unique challenges to us as a church and a community. It is important that we seek to humbly respect the differing opinions that are held about what is a proper response to the pandemic. We would do well to remember Philippians 2:3:
"Do nothing out of selfish ambition or vain conceit. Rather, in humility value others above yourselves, not looking to your own interests but each of you to the interests of the others."
Thank you in advance for your cooperation and patience, and please respond to the attendance survey if you haven’t already.
Pastor Bob,
on behalf of the elders and deacons of New Life