Pastor Bob's Sabbatical Plans

Hello New Life family!

As most of you know, the session here at New Life has graciously allowed me to take a sabbatical during the months of June and July. I want to thank the elders for granting me this special blessing, as well as thank all of you who have offered your encouragement and support as Mary and I prepare to withdraw from church life for a time.

Just so you know, the session did adopt a policy many years ago that allows our pastors to take a one-month sabbatical for every three years of service. Since it’s been seven years since my last sabbatical, the session allowed me to combine those two three-year periods to equal a two-month sabbatical this year.

I’m also very grateful for committed and skilled elders, deacons, office staff and ministry leaders who I know will handle things with great care and loving devotion in my absence. Pastor Brian will be handling most of the preaching, but from the pulpit you will also hear from ruling elder David Lowry; Josh Holowell, the pastor of our daughter church, City Hope; and Eric Whitley, who leads Reformed University Fellowship at Indiana University.

What do I plan to do while I’m away? Mary and I will do some traveling — we plan to go to Florida, St. Louis and southern Indiana. There are always projects that need attention at home. And of course I relish the time to read, rest and reflect on my own walk with Christ and his calling on my life as a child of God and as a pastor. As Paul commanded Timothy, “Watch your life and your doctrine closely.” (1 Timothy 4:16).

It is also my plan to attend General Assembly, the annual business meeting of our denomination (PCA), which will take place in St. Louis June 29-July 2. This is an especially important meeting because of some controversial issues that will be discussed, and also because covid prevented us from meeting last year. Please pray for our denomination during that time!

If the idea of a pastoral sabbatical is new to you, here are a couple of articles for you to consider:

Thank you again for the time off. My wife and I will treasure it. We will miss you greatly, and will look forward to returning in August with a renewed devotion to Christ and his church.

My love to you in Christ,

Pastor Bob