New Life is pleased to announce that Karen Bouw and Jill Parkison have agreed to serve as our first two female advisors to the session for the remainder of the 2022 calendar year. As indicated at our Annual Meeting in January, female advisors are not being ordained as elders, officers, or as voting members of the session, but will serve one-year terms in an advisory capacity by attending session meetings monthly.
The Bible persistently champions the value, worth, dignity, and giftedness of women. Adding the role of female advisors to other current roles filled by women (numerous team chairs, nursery coordinator, children’s director, diaconal assistants, co-leader of Equip Groups, and music director) enables us to be intentional and consistent in securing female wisdom, insight, and perspectives in making decisions and leading the church well.
Please pray for Karen and Jill as they begin this role, and for the session as they continue their work. If you have any questions, please feel free to contact one of our elders.