I am a pastor in the PCA. I am also a fan of independent films. Never did I think these two worlds would cross, but they did this summer, and the topic they had in common was child abuse.
Why Bother With Annual Denominational Meetings?
You will be reading news reports this week, if you haven’t already, explaining that “Presbyterians” have decided in their annual General Assembly meeting to allow gay marriage.
Are Fathers Necessary?
10 Recommended Documentaries
As The Economist seems to concur, there has been a rise recently in the popularity of documentary films. It is true that documentaries can suffer when they fall prey to the temptation to misrepresent facts, to be voyeuristic, or sometimes to be just plain boring, but a well-crafted documentary can be fascinating, educational and inspiring. They tend to confirm the cliche that truth is stranger than fiction, and they often expose the very real and visceral effects of life in a broken and fallen world.
The Value and Importance of Personal Spiritual Retreats
A few years ago, I decided to start working into my schedule a personal spiritual retreat, where I withdraw for a few days, away from the church and away from the family, to devote myself to reading, prayer and planning. I have found these retreats so helpful that I now recommend them to everyone engaged in full-time vocational ministry.
4 Misconceptions About Calvinism
While reading John Piper’s excellent new book, Five Points, it occurred to me how many misconceptions there are about the five points of Calvinism. My guess is that the main reason many people reject the five points, otherwise known as the “doctrines of grace,” is because they assume something that Calvinists actually don’t believe. Here are some common misconceptions:
3 Reasons a Congregation Should Have Its Own Building
As a pastor of a church that is getting close to opening a new sanctuary, I’ve had to do some thinking about whether a congregation should even seek to have its own building. Maybe that sounds like a silly question, because you’ve assumed that it is the goal of all churches to own their own facility. But that would not be true. Many churches, especially new church plants, do not have their own buildings, and some have no intention of getting one.